Mineral Mining & Conservation #3/2017
Table of contents

4Уважаемые читатели, коллеги!
9О заседаниях ЦКР-ТПИ Роснедр в июне - июле 2017 года
10Угли и угольная продукция: стандартизованные терминыи определенияЧасть 3. Термины и определения понятий, относящиеся к петрографии углей
Mineral Resources Base
16Raw materials base of the Russian gold mining industry: the state, problems and ways of development
Economic Strategy
22Financing and development of mining exploration projects in Russia by experience of Kopy Goldfields AB
32Raising capital for investment projects of mining companies
38Tax benefits for mining projects
Rational Subsoil Use
42Group of Companies "RosGeoPerspectiva": 20 years of successful exploration work
Equipment & Materials
48Universal stream X-ray fluorescence analyzers (for ore and pulp) manufactured Tehnoanalitpribor Ltd
Legislative & Regulatory Update
50Some issues of the State subsoil management for the coal chemistry development
54Application the true quantitative assessments of coal reserves for legal stimulation increasing of the fullness using of coal deposits
60The main directions of hard coals use and reserves typification
Processing & Preparation
66Directions of use low-grade solid fossil fuels of Kuzbass
Scientific & Technical Support
70Information Analysis System for management of biodiversity conservation in the coal mining licensing





"Mineral mining & conservation"(2/2022)