Mineral Mining & Conservation #2/2015
Table of contents

News from the Rosnedra CCSMDD
4О заседаниях ЦКР-ТПИ Роснедр
7Особенности узкоспециализированной терминологии алмазодобычи. Продолжение
Legislative & Regulatory Update
32The new procedures for mining projects in connection with changes in the environmental legislation of the Russian Federation
Научно-методическое обеспечение
38Theory and technology of computing resources geochemical anomalies
46Studying clay soils of the upper part of the geological section by geophysical methods for subsurface resources management
Rational Subsoil Use
51Improving the quality of products of the mining production as a factor in increasing the effectiveness of the Russian mining and processing complex
62A new promising trend innovative development the mineral resource sector
68Exploration of Taejnoe iron ore: synergy business and ecology
Personnel Training
76Mineralogical school - system upgrading of professional knowledge
Rational Subsoil Use
81The anniversary of M. V. Rylnikova
82The 60-th anniversary of V. N. Zakharov
Information & Events
84On the results I All-Russian Children’s Ecological Festival «Ekodetstvo»





"Mineral mining & conservation"(2/2022)