Mineral Mining & Conservation #4/2012
Table of contents

News from the Rosnedra CCSMDD
4Meetings of the Central Committee for Solid Mineral Deposit Development of the Federal Agency for Mineral Resources (Rosnedra CCSMDD)
6On changes and amendments of regulatory framework relatedto the fieldof the CCSMDD
8On the outcome of the seminar «Evaluation of the economic efficiencyof investments technical projects in mining of solid minerals»
Underground Resource Management Strategy
12Problems of the reproduction of solid mineral reserves and resourcesin Russia out of funds invested by mining and exploration companies
20Prospects and aspects of the Russian coal sector development
Regulatory Support
26Harmonization of the national and international classification systemsof mineral reserves and resources: Ukraine case study
Economic Strategy
32Conceptual approach of Rosnedra CCSMDD to the evaluationof the economic efficiency of process design and concept for mineral deposit development projects u terms of mineral reserve conservationand comprehensive development
44Standardizing as a basis for the improvement of geological and economic grounding of decisions in mineral reserves management
51Tensor seismoelectromagnetic method of prospecting comprehensive assessment of the thickness and monitoring of pay oil-and-gas formations
60Stone wealth of «hoary» Ural. About Larinskoye-1 construction stonequarry access and development project
64Analytical estimates of the dimensions of the well bore muddingzone in well drilling
Environmental Conservation
67Compliance with sanitary standards for the personnel workingin conditions of the polluted air of open pits
70Integrated approach to safety-in-surface mining
Great Names in Underground Resource Management
76Towards the 130-year Jubilee of D. N. Artemiev
81Keeping our rivers clean for future generations. Severny Kuzbass Coal Company OAO is implementing an integrated environmental program of modernization of water treatment facilities for Berezovskayaand Pervomaiskaya Mines
Information & Events
84Coordination of effort of the International Seabed Authority and Russian Federation for the management of investigationand development of the World Ocean solid mineral resources
86Joint International Conference: Minerals of the Ocean-6 & Deep-SeeMinerals and Mining-3
88About the SVIT GIS-2012 II International Workshop: K-MINEGeoinformation System application in different areas (post-release)





"Mineral mining & conservation"(2/2022)