Mineral Mining & Conservation #1/2012
Table of contents

News from the Rosnedra CCSMDD
4Analysis of the outcome of the Rosnetra Central Committee for Solid Mineral Deposit Development for 2011
7Заседания Центральной комиссии Федерального агентства по недропользованию по разработке месторождений твердых полезных ископаемых (ЦКР-ТПИ Роснедр)
Regulatory Support
9On the compiling of a list of regulatory and methodological documents to be taken into account by the Central Committee for Solid Mineral Deposit Development in the audit of solid mineral deposit development planning and design documentation
Underground Resource Management Strategy
20Rational underground resources management as a basis of the conceptual approach of the Rosnetra Central Committee for Solid Mineral Development to the audit and approval of solid mineral deposit development planning and design documents
Mineral Resources Base
30Thorium - a promising fuel resource for the nuclear power sector
46Conservation of historical landmarks while developing mineral deposits. About planning and design of the Ovrag Staro-Blizhniy gypsum rock deposit development
50Resource-saving technologies for high-grade crushed stone production
5250 Anniversary of the Institute of Mining, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences
61Исполнилось 60 лет Сергею Алексеевичу Лисковцу - генеральному директору ОАО Угольная компания Северный Кузбасс
62Imc montan: 20 years of mining consulting in Russia. Success story
Information & Events
69ЗНАКОВОЕ СОБЫТИЕ Вручение премии Человек годаn2011a Е. А. Козловскому





"Mineral mining & conservation"(2/2022)